paraplanning online
Group Account

Group Account

The managed solution for multiple companies or a network of individuals

A Group Account is ideal for related companies or individual users within a group or network. Central customisations may be rolled out to member companies & individuals in a managed process allowing consistency across members whilst each retaining their autonomy.

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  • Online access to Intelligent Wizard Technology ensuring an easy step by step approach to creating a compliant suitability report
  • Provides your company with compliance control via a master user who maintains overall control over the wizard options available to all additional users and more importantly compliance control over the report contents. This ensures your company’s specific requirements can be reflected throughout all reports, whoever and wherever the user, ensuring consistency of approach to the suitability report process
  • Provides the ability to compose unlimited suitability reports across a comprehensive spectrum of financial planning scenarios
    See Quick Reference Guide »
  • Allows creation of multiple reviews and multiple recommendations in a report without duplication of wording.
  • Professional compliant suitability reports are created quickly and efficiently helping to justify Adviser Fees
  • Complies with the FCA’s Principles, general guidance notes and their Suitability Report Factsheet »
  • Reflects COBS 9.4 suitability report requirements
  • Enables rapid production of a report reviewing your client’s Investment Proposition ensuring justification of on-going adviser fees